Service Available
Room Sitting
Sitting services are provided at the hotel where the child is staying. We will play with your child according to his or her developmental needs, assist with meals, and watch over your child during nap time, all while taking safety into consideration.
Sitting at your home
We can watch over your child at home during weddings, funerals, parental refreshments, and other outings, as well as provide nighttime daycare. We provide support while adapting to the rhythm of your child's life.
We accompany and provide exclusive support for your child during the wedding ceremony and photo shooting. We will support your child in getting dressed, eating, rehydrating, and sleeping so that he or she will be calm and ready for the day's events.
We will take your child to a park or sightseeing spot near the hotel and sit with the sitter at a place of your choice, so that you can fully enjoy the fun that you can only experience in that you can fully enjoy the fun that you can only experience in Okinawa.
- I want to proceed with wedding meetings and outfit selection in a relaxed atmosphere
- I want to enjoy an anniversary dinner with my spouse
- I'm tired of raising children and want some time to refresh myself
- I want to enjoy marine activities for a day
- I want you to accompany me when I go shopping
- I want to secure a place to leave my child in case something happens
With small children, the scope of activities is inevitably limited.
Whatever the reason, we are here to help. We are happy to assist parents with any concerns you may have. Please contact us before giving up because you have small children.